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Before you Insure

How much should I insure my buildings for & what should be included?

For Home Insurance Customers

You should insure your property for the complete rebuild cost and removal of debris. Your property should not be insured for the current market value, as this may not be the same as the rebuild amount.

As not every house is the same, the rebuild cost of a property will depend on its size and the materials used to build it.

You can use the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland current rebuild costs as a guide to work out the amount you should insure your home for, allowances should be made for high-end finishes such as marble flooring, walk-in wardrobes and hard-wood floors.

The rebuild amount should cover the home itself including fixtures and fittings. You should also include domestic outbuildings, garages, swimming pools, tennis courts, private wells, wind turbines, solar panels, driveways, fences and walls (including boundary walls), fuel storage tanks and their contents, terraces, patios driveways, footpaths, lawns, hedges, trees, shrubs and plants all situated at your home.

For apartments and duplexes, we don’t offer buildings insurance cover, however, check with your management company to see if a block policy is in place.

Important Note: Your buildings need to be insured for the correct re-build cost. If the property is under-valued this may reduce the amount you receive in the event of a claim.

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