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My Policy Documents

I don’t understand my no claims bonus document

For Car Insurance Customers

When you receive your no claims bonus there are 4 different sections that you need to look at.

Number of Years Claims Free

This section shows the actual number of years that you have been driving claims free in your own name up to a maximum of 6 years.

This does not always reflect your actual no claims discount.

No Claims Bonus Discount

This section shows the no claims discount allowed. This may differ from your claims free years because the discount allowed on the scale may be higher. The discount may be higher if your no claims discount was protected or if the incident had no impact on your no claims discount. For more details see here

No Claims Discount Scale Applicable to policy

This section shows the percentage discount allowed for each point on the scale 1 - 6.

List of Claims against the policy since inception

This section shows all claims or notifications reported to our Claims team on this policy.

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